Note for R Parallel Computing
#并行计算-parallel包 #parallel包的思路和lapply函数很相似,都是将输入数据分割、计算、整合结果。只不过并行计算是用到了不同的cpu来运算。下面的例子是解决欧拉问题的第14个问题。 # 并行计算euler14问题 # 自定义函数以返回原始数值和步数 library(parallel) func <- function(x) [...]
R Multiplots in ggplot2
#Multiplot in ggplot2 install.packages("gridExtra") library("gridExtra") install.packages("cowplot") library("cowplot") df <- ToothGrowth [...]
R Use profvis Package for Better System Monitoring
Here is an interesting package called 'profvis' that I recently [...]
Notes on Creating Beautiful Heatmaps in R
Date: 2017/04/16 source: # Heatmap Trial library(cluster) library(RColorBrewer) set.seed(123) [...]
How to write matrix or tidy table in Rmarkdown?
I believe most of you are quite familiar using R [...]
R for Data Science Study Notes
Just finished an amazing tutorial textbook in 3 consecutive days. [...]
XGBoost Note笔记
下面推荐一个PPT Slide 帮助你们更好地理解正则化Regularization
Estimating Individualized Treatment Rules Using Outcome Weighted Learning
By Yingqi Zhao, Ph.D Major Work: 1. optimal treatment rule [...]
Tensorflow for Deep Learning
3 or more Hidden Layer then you have a deep [...]