Data Portfolio

Where you can find most of my projects associated with Data Analysis, Machine Learning and Data Visualization. Some of the projects are course related and some come out of my interest during spare time.

Code Portfolio

This section is where I store the code with explanation for projects in Data Portfolio.


Besides projects, I am also a fan of blog writing. I love to share daily ideas and experience with friends and family who would also like to know more aspects of me.


As a Canon Beginner, I allow the gallery section to supervise me getting hands on the camera in my spare time instead of PUBG, which already took my huge amount of time. Feel free to comment on the photos and I'd love to know how you feel about them.

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All these beautiful pictures are photoed by myself, come take a look!

I use a Canon T6i DSLR with one EFS 18-55mm and one 55-250mm lens.
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Code Portfolio

This is where you can find the mechanism behind each project. Basically I use Python, R as well as Tableau for data preparation, model selection, evaluation and visualization. I will also provide my Github link to most of the codes so you may download the whole project code for reference at once.

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