Tensorflow for Deep Learning
3 or more Hidden Layer then you have a deep [...]
如何学习 SQL 语言? - 知乎 经典SQL练习题 - CSDN博客 sql练习网站 - [...]
SQL Coding Challenge – Leetcode
Easy Difficulty Combine Two Tables - LeetCode SELECT FirstName, LastName, [...]
Big Data Modelling & Management
Data Model Basic Data Operations: selection, projection, union and join [...]
Challenge Question — Python, RegExp, Pandas, Group Regression
Just received a Python coding challenge and I believe it would be useful to share.
The Ticket to Ride Problem
Simon received the board game Ticket to Ride as a birthday present. After playing it with his friends, he decides to come up with a strategy for the game.
Dijkstra in Python
Here is a complete version of Python2.7 code regarding the problematic original version. Just paste in in any .py file and run.
Python 深浅拷贝
快到2018 Spring入学了,看到地里有同学对于来美国的第一张电话卡的疑问,在这里通过自身的了解和体验介绍一下,给大家提供一个参考。